Access Keys:

St Patrick's The Meadow Primary School, Newry
Return to School P7 return to school on 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th August 9am-11am. P1 return to school on 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th August 9am-11am , as per induction booklet. Nursery return to school on 28th August, as per induction booklet. Whole school return on 30th August 9am-11am. PE uniform to be worn this week. Full school uniform/full school day from 2nd September.
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Eco Council

In Saint Patrick’s Nursery and Primary School we are proud to say that we are involved in the Eco-Schools Programme. Our staff and pupils care deeply about many of the environmental issues we face today and together, want to make positive changes to our environment.

In Saint Patrick’s we have formed an Eco-Council, made up of children, staff and parents. The Eco-Council meet regularly to target areas in our school which are not environmentally friendly. From this, we engage in a process of planning, acting and reviewing, to make positive changes to our environment. Throughout this process, we try hard to involve as many pupils, members of staff, parents, organisations and other members of our community.

Having already received our ‘Bronze Award’ status, we are currently working towards achieving ‘Silver Award’ status in the hope of achieving ‘Green’ status in the near future!

Below is some of the work we have already undertaken surrounding the topics of ‘Litter’, ‘Waste’ and ‘Healthy Living’.  



28th Jun 2024
We are delighted to announce that the Eco-Council achieved the Green Flag Award,...
21st Jun 2024
The children in primary 5 and 6 were delighted that Dave from Sustrans visited school...
18th Apr 2024
The Eco-council would like to thank everyone for all their support with their first...