Access Keys:

St Patrick's The Meadow Primary School, Newry
Return to School P7 return to school on 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th August 9am-11am. P1 return to school on 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th August 9am-11am , as per induction booklet. Nursery return to school on 28th August, as per induction booklet. Whole school return on 30th August 9am-11am. PE uniform to be worn this week. Full school uniform/full school day from 2nd September.
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All About Aliens in Mrs Scullion's P1 Class

10th May 2024

In primary one, we love reading books! 😊 One book we particularly enjoyed recently, was 'Aliens Love Underpants’, by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort. After reading this book, we decided to create our own aliens. We spent time deciding which features our aliens would have and we looked at lots of examples online. Some of us decided on four arms and three eyes, and others decided to give their alien wiggly arms and unusual noses. When we had finished creating our aliens, we had to give them a unique name and a special talent. Please watch our video clip and take a look at our photographs to see what we came up with.