Access Keys:

St Patrick's The Meadow Primary School, Newry
Return to School P7 return to school on 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th August 9am-11am. P1 return to school on 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th August 9am-11am , as per induction booklet. Nursery return to school on 28th August, as per induction booklet. Whole school return on 30th August 9am-11am. PE uniform to be worn this week. Full school uniform/full school day from 2nd September.
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News - Primary 7

15th Nov 2023
The Primary 7 children had a great day participating in an anti-bullying workshop....
12th Nov 2023
9th Nov 2023
The school choir had a fantastic day yesterday in the SSE Arena at the Peace Proms...
27th Oct 2023
Our 12 Digital Leaders had a fantastic morning this week at a micro:bit session with...
27th Oct 2023
The Primary 7 children enjoyed their final Halloween in St Patrick's. The Friends...
27th Oct 2023
The Primary 7 children participated in a workshop discussing any worrries they had....
19th Oct 2023
Relax Kids came into school this week to support the Primary 7 children’s mental...
19th Oct 2023
This week the Primary 7 boys and girls celebrated Maths Week by participating in...
13th Oct 2023
The Primary 6 and 7 children have thoroughly enjoyed participating in all Feel Good...